Each year, entrepreneurs throughout the country use these small business resources. From building a business plan to staying on top of the latest market trends, we have compiled a list of
1. U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the nation’s largest business organization and represents three million small business interests. Members are able to receive discounts with FedEx shipping and more. There is a membership fee to join the Chamber of Commerce; however, we recommend weighing the benefits, because it might be well worth the cost based on your small business.
You can find more information on how you can become a member by visiting their website
2. Small Business Development Center
Small Business Development Centers can be found throughout the United States. The sole purpose of these centers is to help entrepreneurs by providing them with the tools they need to run a successful business. Small business owners can visit their local Small Business Development Center for low-cost training in business development, market research, and lending assistance.
You can find your local center by visiting their website
3. Take a SCORE workshop
SCORE is a nonprofit organization that offers various workshops, seminars, and courses. Since this organization is supported by the Small Business Development Center, small business owners can use most of their services at little to no cost. You can even sign up to have a mentor.
You can find your local center by visiting their website

4. Visit USA.gov
This site is a great tool for small business owners because it informs you of the ins and outs of opening your small business. They also provide tips on how to create your business plan and how to avoid common mistakes.
You can find your local center by visiting their website
5. Bookmark Small Business Trends
Small Business Trends is an online publication developed for small business owners with industry-related topics. This platform features articles on marketing, management, technology, finance, and advice for new and seasoned small business owners.
You can find your local center by visiting their website
6. Subscribe to Forbes
Forbes offers business a lot of great advice—from daily business trends to investing to the latest industry news. Whether you want to stay up-to-date about cryptocurrency or see what stories are developing in your field, Forbes offers a lot of great articles and research you can use to help you in your business management, operations, and sales.
Pick the subscription package of your choice on their website
7. Purchase a policy through Insurance Canopy
Now that you have a few ideas on small business marketing, how are you protecting your small business? At Insurance Canopy, the most important resource to a small business owner should be small business insurance. Protect your business and don’t leave your business exposed to liability risks. Apply for small business insurance through us and we’ll take care of the rest.
Were you aware of these small business resources?
Are there any that we didn’t include that you have found helpful? We’d love to read about it, leave us a comment!