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What Types of Entertainers Need Liability Insurance?

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Colorful Clown at fair with balloons

You may be asking, “I’m just a performer. Why do I need insurance?”

Well, performers’ insurance can protect you from several claims and lawsuits that could financially cripple or dismantle your entire business.

Still unsure? Below, we break down what this insurance can do for different types of performers. See if you’re one of the types of entertainers who need this coverage, and why Insurance Canopy entertainers liability insurance is the best option for you.

What Is Entertainment Business Liability Insurance?

Think of liability insurance as a shield against performance mishaps. For example, someone could trip over your cord or equipment during setup, break their leg, and sue you for their medical expenses.

The general liability protection in this coverage can cover the costs instead of you paying out of pocket. Or if you accidentally damage a venue with your act or equipment, performers’ insurance can cover the damages.

JoAnne Hammer, Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and Program Manager for Entertainers Insurance, explains how insurance for performers can demonstrate credibility and preparation for what could go wrong.

“Starting and operating an entertainment business takes a tremendous amount of time and dedication to perfect your talent and financial resources. Insurance is the single best way to protect your investment, business, and personal assets, and shows that you are serious about protecting the venue and its patrons in the event of an accident or injury when they hire you.”

What Types of Performers Need Insurance, and Why?

From DJs, bands, and musicians, to balloon artists, comedians, and yodelers, many different types of performers can protect their careers and finances with business liability insurance. Let’s examine these performer types more closely.

A DJ at a turntable performing at a small indoor party.

DJs (Disc Jockeys)

Disc jockey insurance is a must for DJs who bring music to life with mixers, strobe lights, speakers, fog machines, and more. DJs usually perform at nightclubs, parties, corporate events, and other venues.

Who protects DJs if someone trips over the equipment and gets injuries? What happens if the venue accidentally receives property damage after the party ends?

That’s where DJ liability insurance comes in. Otherwise, the cost of claims could financially drain and ruin your DJ business.

Entertainers insurance can cover other eligible, such as:

Musicians and Bands

Musicians and bands play as soloists or groups with instruments, speakers, microphones, and other gear. Like DJs, they often gig at clubs, parties, weddings, open mic nights, and more. Specialty types of performer insurance (like musician insurance or – for bands – band liability insurance) can protect you from expensive claims and lawsuits.

Plus, you can insure your equipment and gear by adding gear and equipment coverage (aka Inland Marine) to your liability coverage. This can protect your financial investment if you get into a car accident that damages your equipment while driving to a gig, wind damage knocking over and breaking your speakers, and more.

magician flipping cards with sunglasses on and a hat


Magicians pull eye-catching tricks and death-defying stunts to grab our child-like wonder. You can magicians performing at fairs, schools, parties, nightclubs, theater venues, and other places and events.

But no feat of magic can save magicians from claims of third-party property damage, bodily injuries, or stolen wands, top hats, or other magician supplies!

Abracadabra! Magician’s insurance can save the day and your wallet, bringing you peace of mind as instantly as pulling a rabbit out of your hat.

Street Performers (Buskers)

Street performers, aka buskers, use street corners, sidewalks, and other public places for their entertainment playground. However, these types of performers need — you guessed it — entertainment insurance.

You might be asking: “What can go wrong as a street performer? The street isn’t a venue.”

Short answer: A lot of things can go wrong. As with any other venue, someone could trip over your gear and sustain injuries, a crowd could form and property damage occur, or someone might swipe your equipment. The list goes on.

Man playing guitar in the street

Balloon Artists

Balloon businesses and artists create shapes and designs like animals, flowers, buildings, famous people, and more out of balloons. You can usually find balloonists entertaining at kids’ parties, fairs, circuses, and other events. Balloon art insurance is a must for these types of entertainers.

Say you’re trying to blow up some balloons at a child’s birthday party. One balloon gets too much helium and it pops, causing a panic attack for one of the nearby kids. The parents sue you for emotional distress. If you don’t have liability insurance, you’ll have to pay for this lawsuit out of pocket.


Clowns are known for wearing red rubber noses, throwing pies, and having a good time at kids’ parties, corporate events, fairs, carnivals, and more.

However, no one will be clowning around if someone steals your props or you’re slammed with property damage claims from your pie-flinging, seltzer-spraying, shenanigans.

Clown insurance can keep people laughing with you instead of at you because you’re protected with general liability, damage to rented premises, professional liability, and more.

Character Actors

Dressing up and pretending has never been more fun thanks to dedicated character actors. These types of performers often work at theme parks, costume parties, corporate events, and more.

There are different types of character actors, such as:

  • Santa Claus: During the holiday season, St. Nicks flood the malls, corporate events, and more to bring cheer with their white beards, red overcoats, and red hats. Santa Claus insurance is there to protect them if things go wrong.
  • Party Princesses: You can find these dressed-up party princesses at kids’ birthday parties, festivals, Renaissance fairs, and other events where they create lavish, whimsical memories with photo opportunities, storytelling, and other fun activities.
  • Impersonators: Dressing and acting like famous people such as Elvis, Madonna, or Sarah Palin can lighten any party or event, especially if you’re good at it.
  • Drag Queens: Drag queens perform at pageants, nightclubs, or other events. They lip-sync, dance, perform skits, interact with audience members, and more — so drag queen insurance is a must for these types of performers.

What do all of these types of entertainers have in common? They all need liability insurance to avoid costly claims and lawsuits.

Otherwise, claims like kids having an allergic reaction to Santa’s beard, property damage from a party princess’s shoes scuffing up the floor, or someone stealing Elvis’ props will drastically drain your bottom line like a vampire draining blood.

A young child in a red plaid shirt stands in front of Santa, who is sitting in a chair while holding a list.

Caricature and Chalk Artists

Caricature artists enjoy drawing obscure and imaginative portraits of those who let them at fairs, festivals, beach walks, and more. Chalk artists can brighten any sidewalk with their vibrant, colorful skills.

However, third-party claims, lawsuits, and unhappy customers can rain on these artists’ parades if they don’t have performers’ insurance as an additional layer of protection.


Comedians are jesters looking to make us laugh through jokes about everyday items and routines, politics, trends, and more. They set up the joke with a simple story or background, then hit audiences with the punchline that leaves people laughing, pondering, or staring in silence.

There are great tips for becoming a comedian or mastering your craft. However, no one will think you’re funny if someone gets hurt at one of your shows or you scuff up the stage you’re performing on with your microphone or speakers.

Liability coverage can bring you peace of mind so you can focus on what matters most: delivering gut-busting, thought-provoking zingers and puns.

Emcees and Hosts

Lastly, emcees (aka master of ceremonies) and hosts are types of entertainers who get crowds pumped for whatever event they’re hosting. This could be a trivia night at a local bar or restaurant or emceeing a charity event, conference, convention, and more.

Hosting can go from a lollipop and rainbow experience to a rage-filled disaster if you don’t have performer liability insurance to fight back against claims of stolen or damaged equipment, medical injuries, property damage, and more.

Why Choose Insurance Canopy?

Magician performing magic trick

Insurance Canopy is the best insurance for many different types of performers. It’s affordable, comprehensive, and tailored to the unique risks and business needs of entertainers.

Apply for an annual or event policy in 10 minutes or less, add additional insureds, and get your certificate of insurance (COI) along with the peace of mind knowing you’re covered for the what-ifs that can happen during, before, or after your performance.

What are you waiting for? Claim your performers insurance now!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about the types of performers who need insurance.

What is Public Liability Insurance for Performers?

Public liability insurance (aka general liability) is designed to protect entertainers (i.e., DJs, comedians, clowns, musicians, bands, balloon artists, and so on) from third-party claims of medical injuries and property damage. Without it, entertainers will have to pay for these claims and expenses out of their pockets.

How Much Does it Cost for Different Types of Performers to Get Insurance?

For most types of performers, the cost of insurance starts at $199 per year, or about $18.50 a month with Insurance Canopy. Our 1-3 day event insurance starts at $59 per event and is good for those who only perform occasionally.

What Does Liability Insurance Cover for Different Types of Performers?

The base liability policy most types of performers need is general liability (sometimes called public liability). It covers third party injury and property damage claims.

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